Mom and Stacia

Mom and Stacia is the first installment in a new series featuring attractive "real" girls smoking with their mothers, in natural settings. For these videos we use front and back studio lighting. This video has natural audio and full on-topic dialogue in the duo scenes, and is around one hour in length.

The video starts with Stacia doing a solo scene (with some brief dialogue) and then Mom doing a solo. After that, Stacia and Mom smoke together for the rest of the video, with some terrific dialogue. As they smoke, they first talk about how Stacia started, then about how Mom started, and then about a range of topics involving smoking. There's lengthy discussion about looking cool while smoking (especially as Stacia tells Mom about how cool she felt being the only one of her age allowed to smoke, and how it made her a "celebrity" at parties and with her friends), and about smoking after sex. Stacia also shows off smoke rings for her Mom and tries to teach her (telling her Mom to form her mouth in a circle like she was "giving a blow job"). They also try french inhales, and show each other how well they can do nose exhales. Both are good smokers, although Stacia takes deeper drags and has thicker exhales; Mom has some natural mouth/nose exhales at times.

We use digital video cameras to film all our videos. Every copy is made from a digital master, and is a first generation analog VHS copy of the master.

You will see Stacia and her Mom enjoy Marlboro Lights 100s, Virginia Slims 120s, and Virginia Slims 100s, and use lighters for lightups.

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Order this video: [ DVD ] [ VHS ]


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